What are primitive reflexes?

Primitive reflexes are automatic movements babies are born with to help them survive and develop in their early months.

Primitive reflexes are meant to naturally integrate (or fade) as a child grows, allowing for higher-level motor skills, emotional regulation, and cognitive function.

But sometimes, primitive reflexes don’t integrate properly. Retained reflexes can result from physical, emotional, or environmental disruptions during infancy.

Retained reflexes can result from physical, emotional, or environmental disruptions during infancy. The effects can last for years, showing up as:

  • Sensory sensitivities (overwhelm with sound, light, or touch)

  • Attention struggles (difficulty focusing, ADHD-like symptoms)

  • Emotional dysregulation (frequent meltdowns or mood swings)

  • Poor coordination and balance

  • Learning delays or challenges

Unlock Your Child’s Potential

Invest in our Primitive Reflex Integration Course and give your child the tools they need to thrive in any environment.

About the Primitive Reflex Integration Course

This course provides a step-by-step approach to understanding, identifying, and addressing retained primitive reflexes. You'll learn how to test for reflex integration, recognize symptoms of retention, and implement targeted strategies to help your child (or those you work with) adapt more successfully to the world around them.

Through clear lessons and practical tools, you’ll explore:

  • The purpose and importance of each primitive reflex

  • Common challenges caused by unintegrated reflexes

  • Tips for reflex testing and child participation

  • Simple exercises and tools to support integration

Whether you're a parent, educator, or healthcare provider, this course equips you with everything you need to help children overcome sensory, behavioral, and learning challenges at the root cause.

Address Root Causes, Not Just Symptoms

Join Our Course and See Real Change!

Who Is This Course For?

This course is ideal for:

  • Parents and caregivers seeking answers for sensory, behavioral, or learning challenges

  • Educators looking to better support students with attention and coordination struggles

  • Healthcare professionals who want to add reflex testing and integration tools to their practice

Support Your Child’s Growth with Proven Strategies

Learn Practical Tools to Overcome Sensory, Behavioral, and Learning Challenges